“When I was young it was all about
running from the police, chasing wild women, egging houses, breaking windows,
getting away, getting caught, winning fights, losing fights, making out with
girls, skipping school, sneaking out at night, discovering the joys of
gunpowder, friends dying, friends leaving, getting stabbed, getting shot, a
brick in the head, summer camp for New York City troubled youths, leeches,
outhouses, falling in love, falling out of love, first striptease show, wild
women, wilder women, getting thrown out of the Boy Scouts, being a kid all
alone in New York City, driving cars, smoking cigarettes, drinking beer, making
money, going to night clubs and then I turned thirteen”.
how the biggest hell raisers always become police when they grow up”!
REVIEWS for "You just can't make this stuff up!"
You are a brilliant and evocative
writer. Your book turned a rough day into a happy one. Keep on writing! We
LOVED the “Kung Fu” chapter.
Thank you for writing "You
just can’t make this stuff up!" the story of your life experiences. It was
most interesting and so well written!! You are a literary genius!!! I took the
liberty of sending a copy of my daughters; they loved every word!!!
THIS IS PURE GENIUS--better than
Dave Barry!! My son and I had the BEST TIME reading this book!
Your books are definitely not
politically correct, but very funny and I enjoyed reading them all.
I love this book!!! I want a signed
copy when you decide to move into print :):):)
I had tears of laughter when I read
the chapter “Hello Dolly”. The picture in my mind of that dude hanging by his
sweaty toes pinched in the window, while you performed your "experiments
of G force" is poetic justice at its best! Good one!
Really GREAT STUFF. You should be a
writer or something. Oh I forgot you ARE A WRITER & truly a GIFTED ONE.
Really great work. You have the art/knack of taking a childhood memory &
just making it mesmerizing. GREAT JOB!
Thank you for writing this great
book, can I share it with my friends?
You're amazing. You're right; you just
can't make up this stuff!!!"
I loved reading “You just can’t make this stuff up”.
Really enjoyed the “Kung Fu” chapter,
tho' all of your books make really good reading! Please write more!
I read your book of an earlier time
in our lives when we were policemen.
They were the best of times, filled with excitement, worry, fear and
many other adjectives. The incident in the chapter “Rookie” with Clark and the
defective brakes was hilarious as I was on duty that day and found it hard to
believe or maybe I didn’t. Do you remember if that occurred before or after he
used an engraver to scratch his badge number on the side plate of his new Model
19 .357?
OMG!!!! I'm still wiping away the tears of laughter
from my eyes after reading the chapter “The stakeout” about the “Serial
Dumper”!!!!! Brawhahahahahah!!!!!! Keep 'em coming.
I know that I promised not to
correct your facts, but Fritz was an English Setter Bird Dog, not a Border
collie. I really enjoyed your book. Keep
them coming.
“Thanks Bob, I had to change Fritz’s breed to avoid any potential
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