Summer Camp
I was twelve years old and felt like I was thirty. My mom was getting married again. Wow! I was going to have a stepfather. I wasn’t too worried about all the evil stepfather stories I had heard from my friends. I stood a foot taller than Dr. Scott, Mom’s fiancy and out weighed him by about a hundred pounds. Also, he was seventy years old. He was quite well off financially and was supposed to be very smart. I wondered, “How smart can he be to be marrying my mom?” He was the retired dean of the “Women’s College of Georgia”, so I guess he had a lot of book sense, but marrying my mom? He had been very nice to my brother and me and we had orders from mom to be on our best behavior whenever he was around. Dr.Scott, that is what I called him, not father or dad, just Dr. Scott. It just seems right somehow. Dr. Scott looked like what a College Dean should look like. He had a little mustache, smoked a pipe and wore a hat with a brim almost all the time.
I was not only getting a new daddy, but I was also getting to go to summer camp way up in New Hampshire. It was a camp for troubled New York City youths and it lasted for the whole summer. I was such a lucky kid.
Mom’s plan, as I understood it, is that Dr.Scott was going to drive my mom and me to New Hampshire to this summer camp owned and operated by Dr. Scott’s rather peculiar sister. They planned to have a small wedding ceremony at the camp. My brother was going to be staying with our Aunt Eliza for the summer. He never had to do anything he did not want to do. After the wedding, the newlyweds were going on a summer long honeymoon to who knows where and leave me at the “West Side Story” summer camp. Oh boy, I could hardly wait...
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